Friday, December 11, 2009


This what I just wrote on Dr Joe Vitale post

Hi Dr Vitale,

I discoverred you reading the book The Secret, which I came across after reading a certain number of books on self help. I have become aware of my potential and I want to grow. I just over and over again to your zero limits and just started since yesterday repeating “I Love You”,”Please forgive me”,”I’m sorry” over and over again. I run into this after running in a situation where I’m in constant need of money, currently working on salary wage, but I have bigger dream.
I’m not afraid I will share them now. I just started renting a new apt, but have to completely fill it with 2 bedrooms,a kitchen, and complete the living room.Following your advices in Attracting Money which I got for free as pdf from your site, I started thinking over and over on how I want to have my house, and the car i would like to have. Figured that to achieve my goal I would need approx 10000, while as of today I have maybe 56 euros in my account. So since yesterday I started thinking about my house each room and I would repeat for to the room “I love you”, “I’m sorry” over and over. I though of my bank account and repeated the same words… Then today, these ideas visited my mind, what if I could give the word some how my services. There plenty of people here in Italy where I leave that do not you (and your other brothers in the field of self help), just because not everyone knows english here. What if I could provide as a service translation of your sites from english to Italian. It would be something. Another idea that is running around my beloved head is that of giving the world my gift which is the capacity of sitting on a keyboerd and play beatifull enchanting music, as it come through me as a gift. On the website you might get a video smple and an mp3 sample if you are insterested.Anyway if you read me, I know my need will become also yours and I won’t be alone. Maybe you can guide me on how to deliver such services and why not achieve also the goal of 10000 euros form my apt, and my alfaromeo 166 2.4 diesel.
Anyway to you Joe, your brothers that have enligthened me and to all of you reading, “I Love You”, “I Love You”, “I Love You”.

Thanks to all of You.
You already helped me somehow.

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